Thursday, October 14, 2010

First Sign of the Apocolypse.... or at least that I'm not as young as I once was...*sob*

So I was in Walmart today, getting a few necessities, and I saw a couple of young teeny-bopper girls making huge googly eyes at a teeny-bopper boy who was making huge googly eyes at a video game, when I suddenly found myself in the midst of an amazing hottie!

This yummy dish was sculpted from the finest quality grade A beefcake, hair so touchable-y soft looking, and a very cute looking dimple adorning one cheek. Well! I could hardly contain my drool. I myself  was making huge googly eyes, thankfully aware enough to notice that kiddo was completely absorbed in some other toy.

It was only when I became aware of the fact that this tasty piece of eye candy was in fact, the father of the boy-teen that the girls had been ogling at previously,  that I shook myself out of my reverie and felt a twinge of cold dread shudder down my spine...

Surely I can't be that old already? I just finished high school! .... like, 8-9 years ago...


My oldest is only..... 6..... *sob*.....

I guess I had to face the truth sooner or later, I mean after all, my butt has long since been able to pull off the tight-thigh-scrunching spandex leggings that are today's fashion frenzy...

But fear not... at least granny panties aren't in the near future!

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